Resep Simple Sweet Beef Curry (Tongseng) oleh Hesty Kusuma
Berikut ini adalah resep Simple Sweet Beef Curry (Tongseng). Resep Simple Sweet Beef Curry (Tongseng) yang dibuat oleh Hesty Kusuma dapat disajikan .

Resep Simple Sweet Beef Curry (Tongseng)
- Meat
- Water
- Onion => mashed
- Garlic => mashed
- Pepper => mashed
- Olive oil
- Salt
- Sweet soy sauce (ketchup)
- Bay leaf
- Galangal
- Lemongrass
- Cabbages
- Tomatoes
- Chili (optional)
Cara Membuat
Boil the meat until tender along with salt, bay leaf, galangal, and lemongrass.
After that enter the other spices that have been mashed and pan-fried with a little olive oil
Finally enter ketchup, cabbages, chili and tomatoes. Cook to boil again.
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